Bollywod Actress Asin, who is currently filming Vipul Shah’s musical bonanza ‘London Dreams’alongside stars like Salman Khan and Ajay Devgan, admits to finding a few differences between Bollywood and Kollywood. First and foremost, the rising star believes that the South Indian industry displays a remarkable sense of punctuality. Pointing out that film units in the South start early and wrap up on schedule, Asin reveals that it is fashionable to be late to a Bollywood set. The starlet was also introduced to the concept of assistant directors whose main purpose was to monitor her presence on the set.
Though the entire ‘Ghajini‘ (with Aamir Khan) unit was from the South, ‘London Dreams’ has her working with a completeBollywood unit. The actress reveals that when the cast and crew were shooting in London and Paris, they were given a bound script, shoot schedule, a detailed weather report, location map and reporting time. Also different is Mumbai’s crowd according to the actress. Calling them “cool”, the actress says she’s been enjoying her every moment inBollywood.
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