Sunday, May 31, 2009

Miley Cyrus, Don't Let This Happen To You

Miley Cyrus needs to chill out. Just 16 years old, she's already acting like she's a stuck-up, erratic diva. She's pouting about not being granted access to Radiohead at the Grammys (best thing Radiohead ever did). She thinks she's got enough to say to write a memoir (a teenager writing an autobiography? WHAT?). Plus, she's dating "Nashville Star" flunky Justin Gaston, who is 20 years old (isn't that illegal, even in Nashville?). 

Miley needs to step back and remember the scores of stories from superstars who let success go to their heads. These are the singers who became divas and started thinking the world revolved around them and that they could do whatever they wished without recrimination. 

But every diva gets ditched sooner or later, and you're no exception, Miley.  So remember humility, or do I need to remind you that your dad is the dude who recorded "Achy Breaky Heart"? By the way, the flipside of that single is a song called "I'm So Miserable." A coincidence? I don't think so.

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